The original Gallery of Wonder is designed to be viewed through the windows from outside. The windows are mullioned and are in two sections. There are two cabinets, one in each window. The windows are low to the ground and therefore the shelves are viewed at quite a steep downward angle. They are positioned at the south end of the beautiful Victorian ‘Quadrangle’, a very busy thoroughfare at the heart of the University’s city centre campus. The windows face north so no direct sunlight hits the windows.
The room behind the window cabinets is approximately five meters deep and can be used to house projection equipment if required. Any specialist equipment will need to be negotiated during the application procedures. Built from reclaimed oak the cabinet interiors measure 1255mm (125.5cm) wide x 1180mm (118cm) high x 270mm (27cm) deep. There are seven removable glass shelves in each cabinet.The back of the cabinets have two glass doors, these can be covered if required. There are two down lights in the top of each cabinet and a strip of LED lights either side.
The cabinet in the Great North Museum: Hancock is approximately 1060 x 1200 x 300mm. It is constructed from 12mm ply with oak doors and a very dark brown to black interior. There are four adjustable glass shelves and a row of LED lights either side of the cabinet, directly behind the doors. The cabinet is built into a wall in the west end of the Egyptian gallery on the upper level.